This eBook of drum settings has been compiled to accompany the live CD recording of the Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band in concert at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall in August 2004.
The recording is available on the KRL (Monarch) Label (CDMON 857), via Apple iTunes, Amazon and other online music outlets.
The wide and varied repertoire performed that evening was most musical tastes, from the modern pipe band competition style compositions to music from more traditional ends of the spectrum.
Many of the drum setting were specially written for the CD recording, with some of the band’s classic tunes from over the years being performed on the night.
Here is your chance to play along Live @ the Royal with L/D Gordon J Brown and the Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band Drum Corps!
This eBook contains 47 drum scores.
- 9/8 March & Jigs
- Bathgate Highland Games
- The Hills of Kazakhstan
- The Fiddler’s Rally
- Hornpipes
- Willie Bishop
- Wee Stuart MacIntyre
- M.S.R.
- Kantara to El Arish
- Blairdrummond
- John Morrison of Assynt House
- Encore (Rubik)
- The Rubik Cube
- Jig Breast St. Marc
- Medley (Joanna’s)
- Joanna’s Hornpipe
- Ally Waugh’s Hotline
- Boys of the Lough
- Sarah’s Song
- Captain Horne
- Blackley of Hillsdale
- Muilleann Dubh (The Black Mill)
- Banjo Breakdown
- Jig Set
- Duncan The Gauger
- The Braes of Mellnish
- The Kitchen Maid
- James Young
- Suite (The Call)
- The Call to the Gathering
- 2/4 Marches
- 93rd at Modder River
- The Centenary Jewel
- Kit Fanfare
- Build Up / Intro
- Single Sticking
- 5/4 Roll Movement
- Kit
- Back Sticking
- The Mason’s Apron
- The Mason’s Apron
- The Pumpkin’s Fancy
- Suite
- Centennial, The People’s Anthem
- Medley (Calling)
- The Calling
- The Bob O’ Fettercairn / Thoughts O’ Burns
- Willie Murray
- Sad the Parting
- The Unfaithful Lover
- Wee Gordon’s Brig O’ Don Tuning Phrase
- Paddy in the Sauna
- Busindre Reel
- Small Pipes & Border Pipes
- A Border Ballad
- Lexie McAskill
- The Ramnee Celidh
- The 4th Floor
- Encore (Other Bands)
- Blackie MacLeod
- Ducking & Diving
- New Year in Noosa
- Airlie’s Big Day
- The Fox Hunters
- 3/4 Marches with Juvenile Band
- The Road to Glendaruel
- The Bloody Fields of Flanders
This product is a PDF manuscript only. No audio or video.