Drumming on Demand media (audio, video, documents) may not be replicated or published in any way.
This includes video-sharing websites, social networking websites, forums or any other means of publishing purchased content.
Payment is made using Paypal secure servers and you will receive an automatic email confirmation of your purchase when it is completed. Drumming On Demand do not actually receive or see your credit card number. All charges to credit cards are made in Pound Sterling (GBP) funds.
None of the personal information you provide as you purchase items on this site will be provided to any third party or made public in any way without your permission. If you have any concerns about privacy of your information or charges to your credit card, please email Drumming On Demand.
In order to purchase items, you must have a login account on Drumming On Demand. Membership is free, please click the registration link at the top of the page to create an account.
For security reasons, any time you make a purchase you will be required to enter all of your credit card information again, as this information is not retained.
It is your responsibility to keep your login and password information secret.